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  • Zásady cookies | Move Ostrava

    Terms and Conditions Tyto Zásady cookies byly naposledy aktualizovány 1.3.2023 a vztahují se na občany a osoby s trvalým pobytem v Evropském hospodářském prostoru. ​ 1. ÚVOD Naše webové stránky (dále jen „web“) používají cookies a další související technologie (pro usnadnění jsou všechny technologie označovány jako „cookies“). Cookies také vkládají třetí strany, které jsme zapojili. V níže uvedeném dokumentu vás informujeme o používání cookies na našem webu. ​ 2. CO JSOU SOUBORY COOKIES? Soubor cookie je malý jednoduchý soubor, který je odeslán spolu se stránkami tohoto webu a uložen prohlížečem na pevný disk počítače nebo jiného zařízení. Informace v nich uložené mohou být vráceny našim serverům nebo serverům příslušných třetích stran během následné návštěvy. ​ 3. CO JSOU SKRIPTY? Skript je část programového kódu, který slouží k tomu, aby naše webové stránky fungovaly správně a interaktivně. Tento kód je spuštěn na našem serveru nebo na vašem zařízení. ​ 4. CO JE TO WEBOVÝ MAJÁK? Webový maják (nebo pixelová značka) je malý, neviditelný kus textu nebo obrázku na webu, který se používá ke sledování provozu na webu. Za tímto účelem jsou různá data o vás ukládána pomocí webových majáků. ​ 5. COOKIES 5.1 TECHNICKÉ NEBO FUNKČNÍ SOUBORY COOKIES Některé soubory cookies zajišťují, že určité části webu fungují správně a že vaše uživatelské preference zůstávají známé. Umístěním funkčních souborů cookies usnadňujeme návštěvu našich webových stránek. Tímto způsobem nemusíte při návštěvě našich webových stránek opakovaně zadávat stejné informace a například položky zůstanou v nákupním košíku, dokud nezaplatíte. 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SOUHLAS Když poprvé navštívíte náš web, ukážeme vám vyskakovací okno s vysvětlením o cookies. Jakmile kliknete na „Uložit předvolby“, vyjadřujete svůj souhlas s používáním kategorií souborů cookies a doplňků popsaných ve vyskakovacím okně a v těchto Zásadách cookies. Používání cookies můžete zakázat pomocí svého prohlížeče, ale mějte na paměti, že naše webové stránky již nemusí fungovat správně. ​ 7.1 SPRÁVA NASTAVENÍ SOUHLASU Funkční - Vždy aktivní Technické uložení nebo přístup je nezbytně nutný pro legitimní účel umožnění použití konkrétní služby, kterou si odběratel nebo uživatel výslovně vyžádal, nebo pouze za účelem provedení přenosu sdělení prostřednictvím sítě elektronických komunikací. Marketing Technické uložení nebo přístup je nutný k vytvoření uživatelských profilů za účelem zasílání reklamy nebo sledování uživatele na webových stránkách nebo několika webových stránkách pro podobné marketingové účely. 8. 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  • Mattter | Move Ostrava

    CHARON Radoslav Piovarči, Paulína Šmatláková TUESDAY 15, NOVEMBER 7 PM Janáček Conservatory Ostrava BUY TICKETS CHARON's dance-visual performance is inspiringpartner duet , which draws you into captivating images andcorner of the soul . Not even Michal Paľek's original music will let you escape from this perfect atmosphere. The story is based on an ancient fable about the relationship between the soul carrier Charon and the soul. Her knowledge, transformation and purification. Another theme that the show points to is the value of money and how deeply it is ingrained in each of us. ​ The second inspiration is Joseph Campbell's thesis that talks aboutmythology as a force capable of forming moral systems . The presentation of sound-painting ancient texts and their recomposition into a contemporary movement and musical work is a key aspect of the production. And what might the myth of the future look like? Creative team Radoslav Piovarči - concept, choreography, direction Paulína Šmatláková - concept Michal Paľko - music Alexandra Rychtarčíková - dramaturgy, texts Ján Čief, Michal Paľko, Radoslav Piovarči - scenography Martin Kotúček - costumes Ján Čief - lighting design Radoslav Piovarči, Paulína Šmatláková, Michal Paľko - performers Lukáš Matejka - video art Ondrej Geče - production Michal Heriban - graphic design of the poster ​ The introduction of the performance from public funds was supported by the Art Support Fund.

  • Rock Me Baby | Move Ostrava

    KARSTEIN SOLLI & ØYSTEIN ELLE ROCK ME BABY SATURDAY 6/8 10:00, 16:00 DIVADLO LOUTEK OSTRAVA TICKETS AVAILABLE SOON Vstupenky NA MOVE představení je možné zakoupit formou „Pay What You Can“. To znamená, že si z 5 nabízených cen můžete sami vybrat tu, kterou vám vaše finanční situace a láska k tanci dovolí. THE PERFORMANCE IS PART OF THE FESTIVAL TANEC PRAHA . Punk-rock concert for toddlers, babies, little rascals, children, students, youth, and their parents! Expect glittering costumes, spiked hair, and a bunch of lively guys. Surprisingly, we're not talking about the headliners of summer music festivals, but about a Norwegian dance crew bringing a true rock experience to Ostrava for the youngest audiences and their dads (and tough moms). But feel free to come without the little ones. Rock Me Baby is a show for all age groups that will rock your world while soothing your soul. Sadly, our society remains trapped in stereotypes, many of which are nonsensical and absurd. If there is something that fiercely defies and refuses to obey, it is the Norwegian dance show Rock Me Baby , created for the little spectators and not just their fathers. Five queer performers in sparkly costumes, conspicuous make-up and punk hairstyles present something totally unexpected, playful and very sensitive. Its authors, Karstein Solli and Øystein Elle, have extensive experience with young audiences, and their work is based on complex research on stimuli that are comfortable for our little ones. Even though Rock Me Baby may feel like pretty hard stuff, including sound, it is adapted to the needs of young audiences. The result is a welcoming, playful, and creative show that reaches out to the audience, entertaining and enthusing anybody watching it with an open heart and mind. The performance is suitable for children aged 0 and over and lasts 45 minutes. Creative team Concept: Øystein Elle, Karstein Solli Choreography: Karstein Solli Co-created by the performers Direction: Karstein Solli Co-created by the performers Performers: Geir Hytten, Håkon Sigernes, Øystein Elle, Thomas Hildebrand, Simen I. Vangen Dramaturgy: Karstein Solli, Øystein Elle Light design: Benjamin Fjellmann Music: Øystein Elle in collaboration with Øystein Elle, Simen I. Vangen and Thomas Hildebrand Costumes: Baron Von Bulldog, Kjell I. Nordstrøm Scenography: Carl Nilssen-Love Production: Øystein Elle / Capto Musicae and Karstein Solli Productions Producer: Øystein Elle / Capto Musicae Co-production: Bærum Kulturhus Thanks to: Vitor Truzzi (Visual consultation) Beata Kretovicova Iden (Executive producer in the production phase) ​ With financial support of: Art and Culture Norway, The Audio and Visual Fund With the support of: Østfold University College THE PERFORMANCE IS PART OF THE FESTIVAL

  • The Urge v rámci udílení cen Jantar | Move Ostrava

    CHARON Radoslav Piovarči, Paulína Šmatláková TUESDAY 15, NOVEMBER 7 PM Janáček Conservatory Ostrava OSTRAVSKÁ PREMIÉRA!!! Přinášíme vám ostravskou premiéru euforizujícího představení pro veřejný prostor vytvořeného mnichovskou choreografku Ceren Oran! Speciálně pro tuto příležitost udílení moravskoslezských kulturních Cen Jantar jsme připravili kombinaci českého a slovenského tanečního týmu. Přijďte s námi zažít veřejný prostor jinak a vykročit z tak z rutinní každodennosti. ​ Jaký pohyb se vejde mezi postel a skříň? Lze zatančit klasickou variaci u kuchyňské linky? Nebo si připomenout release techniku na balkoně? Lock-down. Nemožnost vyjít ven, na taneční sál, do divadla, potkat se s diváky či ostatními tanečníky, rodinou či přáteli. Na jaře 2020 zaplavila sociální sítě home videa, která jsou svědectvím o touze tanečníků a choreografů tančit a zůstat v kontaktu, zůstat viditelní. Choreografka Ceren Oran několik z nich vybrala jako inspiraci ke svému nejnovějšímu projektu “The Urge” , který umístila záměrně do veřejného prostoru . "For me, dancing in a public space means getting rid of a comfortable theater environment, going to the market with your skin and addressing, above all, those potential viewers who would otherwise not come to contemporary dance in any case. I believe in the fascinating, contagious and inspiring power of contemporary dance and I am deeply convinced that dance should be accessible to everyone - anytime, anywhere." (Ceren Oran) “The Urge” čerpá inspiraci z frustrujícího zážitku rok a půl trvající pandemie a odloučení a transformuje ji v cosi vysoce vitálního, v nejlepším slova smyslu nakažlivého - ve sdílení radosti, energie, fascinaci pohybem, v intenzivní sdílení okamžiku v přímém kontaktu s divákem ve veřejném prostoru. Choreografie Ceren Oran kombinuje energií nabité, synchronní taneční pasáže s osobitými improvizovanými sóly jednotlivých zkušených tanečníků. Jejich dynamiku a měnící se rytmus celého díla určuje pulzující elektronická hudba dlouholetého spolupracovníka Oran a živá improvizace saxofonistky Marcely Kučové. Tato extatická kombinace zvyšuje napětí mezi tanečníky a hudebníky, jednotlivcem a masou. Photo gallery from the 2022 summer tour LUHOVANÝ VINCENT, LUHAČOVICE FUJARÉ, ROŽNOV POD RADHOŠTĚM STUDIO ALTA, PRAHA CIRKUZKUS, OLOMOUC Tvůrčí tým The Urge Concept, Art Direction and Choreography: Ceren Oran ​ Choreographic collaboration: Maayan Reiter, Rotem Weismann ​ Directed by Jin Lee ​ Dancing: Klára Ešnerová, Michal Heriban, Michaela Kadlčíková, Tomáš Pražák, Jana Ryšlavá, Helena Arenbergerová ​ Music: Hüseyin Evirgen, Marcela Kučová ​ Dramaturgical collaboration: Karolína Hejnová ​ Premiere: 8. 5. 2021, Munich, Berlin, Cologne (only as a live stream) // Part of the DANCE 2021 festival Premiere with an audience: 13. 7. 2021, Munich ​ Czech premiere: The Urge Grows 25. 5. 2022 Pilsen ​ Project partners Photo gallery from the Lihuovány Vincent festival June 26, 2022, Lázeňské náměstí, Luhačovice LUHAČOVCE Photo gallery from the Fujaré festival June 27, 2022, Masarykovo náměstí, Rožnov pod Radhoštěm FUJARÉ Photo gallery from the Studio Alta garden June 29, 2022, Alta Studios, Prague ALTA Photo gallery from the Cirkuzkus festival July 17, 2022, Dolní náměstí, Olomouc OLOMOUC V CENTRU

  • Soft spot | Move Ostrava

    CHARON Radoslav Piovarči, Paulína Šmatláková TUESDAY 15, NOVEMBER 7 PM Janáček Conservatory Ostrava BUY TICKETS V průběhu června do Ostravy tradičně přivážíme dvě současné špičkové inscenace v rámci festivalu TANEC PRAHA. Tou první je open-air verze pohybového projektu It's All About , která proběhne v - pro pohyb netradičním - nádvoří Nové radnice. Druhé představení Soft spot můžete zhlédnout 28. června v Divadle Petra Bezruče. CHARON's dance-visual performance is inspiringpartner duet , which draws you into captivating images andcorner of the soul . Not even Michal Paľek's original music will let you escape from this perfect atmosphere. The story is based on an ancient fable about the relationship between the soul carrier Charon and the soul. Her knowledge, transformation and purification. Another theme that the show points to is the value of money and how deeply it is ingrained in each of us. ​ The second inspiration is Joseph Campbell's thesis that talks aboutmythology as a force capable of forming moral systems . The presentation of sound-painting ancient texts and their recomposition into a contemporary movement and musical work is a key aspect of the production. And what might the myth of the future look like? Adrienn Hód je budapešťská choreografka, od roku 2007 stojí v čele HODWORKS, mezinárodně významného souboru současného tance. Právě tam dekonstruuje tělo, pohyb, prostor a zvuk, aby je znovu sestavila překvapivým způsobem. Soňa Ferienčíková je slovenská performerka, choreografka a zakladatelka BOD.Y o.z., byla nominovaná na divadelní cenu DOSKY 2018. Martina Hajdyla je slovenská tanečnice a choreografka, sídlí v Praze, kde v roce 2008 spoluzaložila soubor ME-SA. V roce 2016 byla nominovaná na cenu Thálie. FOTO: Vojtěch Brtnický Creative team Radoslav Piovarči - concept, choreography, direction Paulína Šmatláková - concept Michal Paľko - music Alexandra Rychtarčíková - dramaturgy, texts Ján Čief, Michal Paľko, Radoslav Piovarči - scenography Martin Kotúček - costumes Ján Čief - lighting design Radoslav Piovarči, Paulína Šmatláková, Michal Paľko - performers Lukáš Matejka - video art Ondrej Geče - production Michal Heriban - graphic design of the poster ​ The introduction of the performance from public funds was supported by the Art Support Fund.

  • Graces | Move Ostrava

    PROGRAM MONDAY June 7th 19:00 House of Culture BUY TICKETS Please read the currently valid measures for cultural events. You can find them here . Before the performance, there will be an opportunity to get tested for FREE, if you meet these conditions. We look forward to seeing you safely. The performance takes place in cooperation with the TANEC PRAHA 2021 festival. What all forms can beauty take? This is what the Italian choreographer Silvia Gribaudi asks in a production inspired by the statue of the Three Graces. In contrast to the developed figures of the three male dancers, the author herself is the embodiment of freedom and naturalness on stage. With his own humanity and humor, he breaks down gender stereotypes , transforms worn-out clichés and apparent imperfection into a work of art full of lightness and grace. ​ Graces finds its inspiration in Antonio Canova's sculpture Three Graces (1812-17) and reflects the attributes of the three daughters of the Greek god Zeus: Euphrosyne - majesty, Aglaia - joy and Thalia - abundance. ​ The works of Silvia Gribaudi are full of lightness , irony and freedom . In the last ten years, the author has been focusing on the roles of men and women and the concept of virtuosity in dance and perfectionism in everyday life. Graces was created in collaboration with filmmaker Matteo Maffesanti, who was part of the entire creative process, during which the team also held several workshops for the general public. Valuation: Danza&Danza 2019 award in the "Italian production" category Winning project CollaborAction#4 2018/2019 Presentation of the work at the Italian Dance Platform NID Platform 2019 ​ WARNING: Nudity appears in the performance within an artistic context. MONDAY June 7th 19:00 House of Culture BUY TICKETS CHOREOGRAPHY : Silvia Gribaudi DRAMATURGY : Silvia Gribaudi, Matteo Maffesanti PERFORMERS : Silvia Gribaudi, Matteo Marchesi, Siro Guglielmi, Andrea Rampazzo LIGHTING DESIGN : Antonio Rinaldi TECHNICAL DIRECTOR : Leonardo Benetollo TECHNICAL ASSISTANT : Theo Longuemare PRODUCTION : Zebra CO-PRODUCTION : Sartanceangelo dei Teatri COSTUMES : Elena Rossi FOR SUPPORT : Italian Cultural Institute in Prague WITH CONTRIBUTIONS : ResiDance XL, Anticorpi XL, Network Giovane Danza D'Autore, L'arboreto, Teatro Dimora di Mondaino e IntercettAzioni, Centro di Residenza Artistica della Lombardia, Circuito CLAPS e Industria Scenica, Milano Musica, Teatro delle Moire, Zona K_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ARTIST RESIDENCIES : Klap - Maison Pour la danse Marseille, Centro per la Scena Contemporanea/Operaestate Festival del Comune di Bassano del Grappa, Orlando Bergamo, Lavanderia a Vapore Centro di Residenza per la danza regione Piemonte, L'arboreto - Teatro Dimora | La Corte Ospitale: Centro di Residenza Emilia-Romagna, ARTEFICI - Artisti Associati di Gorizia, Dansstationen, Danscentrum Syd, Skånesdansteater Malmö Sweden and with the support of Centro di Residenza Armunia/CapoTrave Kilowatt. CollaborAction#4 2018/2019 IN COLLABORATION WITH FESTIVALS AND THEATERS : Rete Anticorpi, Ater Circuito Regionale Multidisciplinare, Associazione Mosaico Danza/Interplay, Piemonte Dal Vivo, Amat, Arteven, Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Vicenza, Associazione Artedanzae20, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, CLAPSpettacolodalvivo, Associazione Armunia, Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo Onlus. PREMIERE : 20.12. 2018, Nuovo Teatro Comunale Gorizia, Italy LENGTH : 50 minutes We thank the entities below for their support, which is greatly appreciated: MONDAY June 7th 19:00 House of Culture BUY TICKETS

  • Hatha Yoga | Move Ostrava

    PROGRAM SATURDAY March 19 9:30 - 12:30 Studio Yogista, Lower Vítkovice, Ostrava BUY TICKETS Recycling in motion is about free inspiration from the magical world of coaching aimed at self-development and their integration into contemporary dance training. For dance, they provide the possibility to work with the continuity of movement, relaxation and tension in a new way, but last but not least, they allow us to model the image of an endless, emerging and disappearing bodily manifestation. Man as a pendulum, as a researcher, as a desire that does not stop, as a fragile mass and at the same time still safe. ​ The workshop is intended for both dancers and dance enthusiasts as well as anyone who has experience with movement. It is great for professional dancers, students of dance schools, but also for anyone who processes a lot of pressure in the work process. This is a lot of tension these days, great to be able to process not only in the head, but also with the body. The workshop deals with processing pressure for performance in movement, working with energy. The goal is to help participants stay efficient and accurate and not spend more than necessary. You will also be expected to work with tension and efficiency. "For a long time, I have been engaged in creative research on the dialogue between dance and functional movement. I am inspired by examples of different physicality, not only the one that I come to as a dancer through the techniques of contemporary dance. I am interested in what functional movement offers in the process of composing choreography, and at the same time I am researching self-maintenance techniques, ways dealing with energy, effort and work with a concrete physical experience as a starting point for the creation of dance material." ​ Lukáš Bobalík The workshop will take place in the Jogista studio, which you can find in Dolní Vítkovice - above the Etáž bar, opposite the Cokafe cafe on the 2nd floor. ​ The best way to get there is by tram to the Důl Hlubina stop, on foot over the footbridge at Nová Karolina, or by car to the parking lot on Vítkovická Street.

  • The Others | Move Ostrava

    CHARON Radoslav Piovarči, Paulína Šmatláková TUESDAY 15, NOVEMBER 7 PM Janáček Conservatory Ostrava BUY TICKETS CHARON's dance-visual performance is inspiringpartner duet , which draws you into captivating images andcorner of the soul . Not even Michal Paľek's original music will let you escape from this perfect atmosphere. The story is based on an ancient fable about the relationship between the soul carrier Charon and the soul. Her knowledge, transformation and purification. Another theme that the show points to is the value of money and how deeply it is ingrained in each of us. ​ The second inspiration is Joseph Campbell's thesis that talks aboutmythology as a force capable of forming moral systems . The presentation of sound-painting ancient texts and their recomposition into a contemporary movement and musical work is a key aspect of the production. And what might the myth of the future look like? "The Others" je příběh čtyř lidí, kteří žijí v podivně izolovaném světě - v pekle z plastu, zcela zbavené jiných živých tvorů a obklopené neprostupnými průhlednými obrazovkami. Podaří se obyvatelům tohoto temného a beznadějného světa osvobodit? A budou to chtít? ​ Aby ovládli svůj osud, a aby zahnali nudu, tančí. Tancují den co den s precizností, zápalem a vášní. Možná naši čtyři přátelé nakonec provedou ten nejdůležitější a nejodvážnější čin - možná si dovolí obdivovat život. ​ Tak přestaňme mluvit o ekologické krizi a najděme společně odvahu naplnit budoucnost našimi nejodvážnějšími touhami, otestovat naše nápady a vrátit život a touhu zpět do centra pozornosti. "Člověk si nevybírá svou budoucnost. Volí si své návyky, a ty určují jeho budoucnost." F. Matthias Alexander FOTO: R. Vennekens Creative team Radoslav Piovarči - concept, choreography, direction Paulína Šmatláková - concept Michal Paľko - music Alexandra Rychtarčíková - dramaturgy, texts Ján Čief, Michal Paľko, Radoslav Piovarči - scenography Martin Kotúček - costumes Ján Čief - lighting design Radoslav Piovarči, Paulína Šmatláková, Michal Paľko - performers Lukáš Matejka - video art Ondrej Geče - production Michal Heriban - graphic design of the poster ​ The introduction of the performance from public funds was supported by the Art Support Fund.

  • The Urge Grows | Move Ostrava

    THE URGE GROWS The international outdoor performance "The Urge Grows " builds on the original German project by choreographer Ceren Oran, titled "The Urge". It originated in 2020 during the COVID-19 lockdown, driven by the internal desire of performers to stay in motion, stay connected, and continue creating. ​ Thanks to MOVE Ostrava, the original "The Urge" expanded with Czech and Slovak interpretations (handled by the Slovak dance festival Tanečno). Through a unique collaboration of three creative teams under the supervision of Ceren Oran herself, this international extended version "The Urge Grows" came to life. YOU CAN SUPPORT THE PROJECT WITH ANY AMOUNT ⇣ THANK YOU ❤︎ About The Urge What movement fits between the bed and the wardrobe? Can you dance a classic variation at the kitchen counter? Or remember the release technique on the balcony? Lock-down. Impossibility to go out, to the ballroom, the theater, meet the audience or other dancers, family or friends. In the spring of 2020, social networks were flooded with home videos, which are a testimony to the desire of dancers and choreographers to dance and stay in touch, stay visible. Choreographer Ceren Oran chose several of them as inspiration for her latest project "The Urge" , which she deliberately placed in public space . "For me, dancing in a public space means getting rid of a comfortable theater environment, going to the market with your skin and addressing, above all, those potential viewers who would otherwise not come to contemporary dance in any case. I believe in the fascinating, contagious and inspiring power of contemporary dance and I am deeply convinced that dance should be accessible to everyone - anytime, anywhere." (Ceren Oran) "The Urge" draws inspiration from the frustrating experience of a year-and-a-half-long pandemic and isolation and transforms it into something highly vital, contagious in the best sense of the word - in the sharing of joy, energy, fascination with movement, in the intense sharing of a moment in direct contact with the viewer in public space. Ceren Oran's choreography combines energetic, synchronized dance passages with distinctive improvised solos by individual experienced dancers. Their dynamics and the changing rhythm of the entire work are determined by the pulsating electronic music of longtime collaborator Oran and the live improvisation of saxophonist Marcela Kučová. This ecstatic combination heightens the tension between dancers and musicians, individual and mass. About The Urge Grows The Czech staging of "The Urge" was created during a joint residency of performers selected on the basis of an open call and choreographer Ceren Oran. For enabling this international creative residency in Olomouc Divadle na Cucky we owe it to the New Network and its Art-in-res program . The culmination of this co-production cooperation is the Grand opening , during which the Czech, Slovak and German crew will present themselves in Pilsen's Náměstí republiky with a unique joint combination of their performances "The Urge Grows" . After that, all the teams will go back to their countries to transfer the gained experience and energy in other places of public space. The Slovakian part is organized by Tanečno - dance festival in Orava, and on the Czech side MOVE Ostrava cooperates with Divadlo na Cucky and Moving Station . In there, joint rehearsals of the German, Czech and Slovak creative team took place here during June, directly under the direction of a German choreographer. THE DATES OF THE CZECH STAGE OF THE URGE CAN BE FOUND HERE. The creation of the Slovak part is ensured by the Bratislava Orava Dance Festival Dancing and on the Czech side, apart from MOVE Ostrava participates in the organization Theatre on Cucky and pilsner Moving Station . Joint rehearsals of the German, Czech and Slovak creative team took place here during June, directly under the direction of a German choreographer. International creative team The Urge Grows Concept, Art Direction and Choreography: Ceren Oran ​ Choreographic collaboration: Maayan Reiter, Rotem Weismann ​ Directed by Jin Lee ​ Dancing: Jin Lee, Laura Manz, Lihun Choi, Lena Klink, Rotem Weissman, Lukas Malkowski, Klára Ešnerová, Helena Arenbergerová, Michal Heriban, Tomáš Pražák, Jana Ryšlavá, Miriam Budzáková, Matúš Szegho, Paulína Šmatláková, Andrej Štepita, Lukáš Záhorák ​ Music: Hüseyin Evirgen, Marcela Kučová ​ Dramaturgical collaboration: Karolína Hejnová ​ Premiere: 8. 5. 2021, Munich, Berlin, Cologne (only as a live stream) // Part of the DANCE 2021 festival Premiere with an audience: 13. 7. 2021, Munich ​ Czech premiere: The Urge Grows 25. 5. 2022 Pilsen ​ The Urge Grows project partners

  • Recyklácia v pohybe | Move Ostrava

    PROGRAM BUY TICKETS FRIDAY 18th of March 17:30 - 20:30 Studio Yogista, Lower Vítkovice, Ostrava SATURDAY March 19 9:30 - 12:30 Recycling in motion is about free inspiration from the magical world of coaching aimed at self-development and their integration into contemporary dance training. For dance, they provide the possibility to work with the continuity of movement, relaxation and tension in a new way, but last but not least, they allow us to model the image of an endless, emerging and disappearing bodily manifestation. Man as a pendulum, as a researcher, as a desire that does not stop, as a fragile mass and at the same time still safe. ​ The workshop is intended for both dancers and dance enthusiasts as well as anyone who has experience with movement. It is great for professional dancers, students of dance schools, but also for anyone who processes a lot of pressure in the work process. This is a lot of tension these days, great to be able to process not only in the head, but also with the body. The workshop deals with processing pressure for performance in movement, working with energy. The goal is to help participants stay efficient and accurate and not spend more than necessary. You will also be expected to work with tension and efficiency. Photo: Natálie Zajačićová ​ "For a long time, I have been engaged in creative research on the dialogue between dance and functional movement. I am inspired by examples of different physicality, not only the one that I come to as a dancer through the techniques of contemporary dance. I am interested in what functional movement offers in the process of composing choreography, and at the same time I am researching self-maintenance techniques, ways dealing with energy, effort and work with a concrete physical experience as a starting point for the creation of dance material." ​ Lukáš Bobalík The workshop will take place in the Jogista studio, which you can find in Dolní Vítkovice - above the Etáž bar, opposite the Cokafe cafe on the 2nd floor. ​ The best way to get there is by tram to the Důl Hlubina stop, on foot over the footbridge at Nová Karolina, or by car to the parking lot on Vítkovická Street.

  • MOVEment Instensive vol. 2 s Tímeou | Move Ostrava

    MOVEment Intensive vol. 2 with Tímea Szalontay NOVEMBER 26 - 27 Studio Yogista, Vítkovice, Ostrava BUY TICKETS Also in November, we bring you autumn MOVEment intensive ! And that in an even more popular combination, which you will surely like! In addition to lessons of yoga and movement by Jana Ryšlavá , we have also prepared lessons for you this time of modern dance under the direction of Tímei Szalontay , graduates of Trinity Laban School in London. Block of 4 modern dance lessons based on her experience and training a they are established on principles Cunningham techniques (modern technology from the 20. century). Lessons begin with a gentle warm-up, from where we move on to strengthening exercises, technical exercises and sequences. The hours will be full of movement and fun, no stress, just enjoyment of movement, music and energy in space! ​ Of course you can participate whole block, or only selected lessons. About Tímea Studio Yogista, Vítkovice, Ostrava BUY TICKETS SCHEDULE OF LESSONS SATURDAY 26/11/2022 10:00 - 12:00 Tímea Szalontay: FLOORWORK & RELEASE TECHNIQUE 14:45 - 16:45 Tímea Szalont ay: CUNNINGHAM INSPIRATION ​ SUNDAY 27/11/2022 9:30 - 11:30 Tímea Szalont ay: FLOORWORK & RELEASE TECHNIQUE 14:00 - 16:00 Tímea Szalont ay: CUNNINGHAM INSPIRATION EXPLORE MOVEMENT AND YOGA BLOCK LESSON PRICES BLOCK 4 DANCE LESSONS: 1,000 CZK / adult, 800 CZK / student ​ 1 LESSON: 300 CZK / adult, 250 CZK / student TICKETS HERE VSTUPNÉ The workshop will take place in the Jogista studio, which you can find in Dolní Vítkovice - above the Etáž bar, opposite the Cokafe cafe on the 2nd floor. ​ The best way to get there is by tram to the Důl Hlubina stop, on foot over the footbridge at Nová Karolina, or by car to the parking lot on Vítkovická Street. STUDIO O LEKTORCE

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