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Enjoy the day. But what if a rug sneaks up on that day? Or two? What about them? Jana Ryšlavá and Jindřich Panský decided to try it. Because enjoying every moment of your life is not as easy as the gurus tell us. The thing, you are enjoy at the beginning, can become a proverbial stick under your feet. Will you cross it with a smile or fall and curse? Or is it possible to fall with a smile on your face? Hmm...?

Tato perla, která se nám povedla vylovit z hlubin ostravského architektonického skvostu, propojuje hned čtyři formy umění:


  • tanec v choreografii Jany Ryšlavé

  • hudbu z rukou tvůrčí skupiny Forma

  • filmařské umění kameramana a režiséra Radima Vaňouse

  • a architekturu Marie Frommerové

Creative team

Choreography, topic and wrestling with carpets: Jana Ryšlavá, Jindřich Panský

Directing and placing carpets at the right time on the wrong place: Jiří Hajdyla


Music conjures out of silence: Marcela Kučová

Spotlights on the red carpet : Pavel Vitt

Production: Cultural center Cooltour Ostrava z.ú.


Premiere 22. 06. 2017 Cooltour, Ostrava

The performance was created with the support of the Ministry of Culture, the Statutory City of Ostrava and the Life of an Artist Foundation. We thank the sponsors and partners, we would not be without them.

Media responses
Media responses
Přispěvatelé Hithit kampaně
Performeři a všichni členové týmu 
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