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The Association of New Circus has been established and MOVE Ostrava is part of it!

On Tuesday, March 19, 2024, the Czech Association of New Circus (ANC) was officially established in Prague. And why are we writing this to you? Because MOVE Ostrava, alongside the organizer of the popular Ostrava festival Cirkulum Cirkus trochu jinak, has become a member representing the needs of the regions from the Moravian-Silesian Region 🥳

Together with other colleagues, we have long felt that the new circus community did not have unified representation in the Czech Republic, so we are very pleased that we could contribute to the establishment of this much-needed professional association.

  • We believe that thanks to this membership, important information from the field of new circus will be systematically disseminated in the circus scene, reaching us and therefore potential participants sooner.

  • Furthermore, we believe in the emergence of more interdisciplinary performances and more circus events brought to Ostrava.

At the same time, we greatly appreciate the trust placed in the hands of Jana Ryšlavá, who was elected to the board of the association. Here she undertakes to represent the needs of the regions as well as the connections towards dance and other related fields.

If you want to stay updated on this topic, we recommend subscribing to the newsletter of the New Circus Professionals Platform, to which you can sign up here.


On March 19, 2024, with the approval of the articles of association and the election of the board, the Association of New Circus (ANC) was officially established. The meeting took place at the Institute of Art in Prague and online via Zoom. It was attended by founding members, including a total of 15 organizations and 9 individual members.

The founding members approved the ANC articles of association and elected the first board. Jiří Turek, the director of the Letní Letná festival, was elected as the Chairman of the Association. Other board members include director and lecturer Ondřej Holba, director of CIRQUEON Eliška Jevičová, artistic director of MOVE Ostrava Jana Ryšlavá, and director of Cirku La Putyka and Jatka78 Ondřej Vykoukal.

Mission of the ANC

The Association of New Circus is an open association of independent professionals and organizations operating in the field of new circus throughout the Czech Republic. As a professional organization and platform, it serves all those who want to contribute to the development of new circus in the Czech Republic.

Through its activities, the ANC aims to support, facilitate, and implement initiatives and activities that contribute to the development of the new circus scene in the Czech Republic. Its main goal is to provide comprehensive support to entities and individuals in the Czech new circus scene, their development, and professionalization through facilitating communication between members and public administration, organizing specialized seminars and workshops, and presenting the Czech scene both domestically and internationally.

Founding Members

Organizations: AirGym Art Company, ART Prometheus, Cirk La Putyka, Cirkus Mlejn, Cirkus trochu jinak, CIRQUEON, FysioART, Holektiv, Jatka78, KD Mlejn, Losers Cirque Company a Divadlo BRAVO!, Mezinárodní festival nového cirkusu a divadla Letní Letná, MOVE Ostrava, UFFO Trutnov a festival Cirk-UFF, Žongléros Ansámbl

Individuals: Dagmar Bednáriková, Ondřej Holba, Veronika Jošková Štefanová, Michal Mudrák, Adam Rameš, Michaela Stará, Hana Strejčková, Lenka Švolíková, Anna Vondráčková

We sincerely thank the Arts Institute - Theatre Institute and its director, Pavla Petrová, for providing the venue for the inaugural meeting.

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