Are you looking for a suitable place to create a new project? Are you suffering from creative block? Do you need some new inspiration? Or would you like to strengthen your team? Try the residency program ART-IN-RES 2024 !
The collection of applications for residential stays in selected host organizations realized in the period March - November 2024 starts today. Support is intended for the development of projects at all stages of the creative process in the field of contemporary theatre, dance and other related performative genres for applicants from the Czech Republic and abroad.
Have you ever wondered how your project would progress if you had the opportunity to spend 1-3 weeks in a residential center of your choice? What could you achieve during this time in the new environment? 🤔 Take advantage of the 4th year of this international residency program and welcome new inspiration, stimuli and experiences.
1. Selection of host organization
You can find a selection of residential places on the portal ART-IN-RES.
Pay attention to the specific options and conditions of residential centers and choose such places that are suitable for your project and your needs.
2. Addressing the selected host organization
No later than December 1st, contact the selected residential center at the email listed in its profile at ART-IN-RES . (Later requests will not be considered.)
In the subject field write ART-IN-RES 2024 and ask the organization to provide a residency.
Introduce your project to the organization, its purpose and goal of the residency, the implementation team, attach your professional resume and mention the technical requirements.
Give the organization time to decide.
If it is inclined to provide residence, agree on a preliminary date and ask it to fill out/write the consent.
Accept when your project chooses not to support.
You can attach more consents if you are interested. (Even the host organization can support more projects with its consent.)
3. Official login to the program
Please send complete SIGNUP FORM by December 15 at the latest. It has to include a description of the project, its purpose and the goal of the residency, implementation team, technical requirements, professional CV and a brief motivation letter .
The application must be accompanied by signed consent of the selected host organization to provide a residential stay at your project within the pre-agreed deadline. The consent form can be downloaded HERE - form may vary, consent and signature are important representative of the host organization.
4. Selection of supported residences
Host organizations nominate 3 preferred projects after the deadline.
The dramaturgical board of Nová síť makes the final selection.
You can expect the publication of the results until around January 20, 2024. It depends on the results of the subsidies under the National Recovery Plan - Development calls competence of KKS workers: projects of international and professional cooperation in the Czech Republic.
Who can apply
Atists, cultural managers and other cultural professionals from the field of contemporary theatre, dance and other related performative genres from the Czech Republic and abroad.
During this challenge, both individual projects (1-2 artists), group projects (3-8 artists), and managers’ residences (3-5 people) are supported. In 2024, we plan to support around 10 projects with a residential stay.
The prompt is for a calendar period from March 1 to November 30 year 2024 and is intended for creative residences with length 1-3 weeks and managerial residencies lasting 3-5 days in the contracted host organization.
Financial support
Financial support is provided for residents and guests organization:
support for residents: 1,500 CZK / person / day
support of host organizations: fixed amount of CZK 1,000 / day + CZK 400 / person / day + CZK 5,000
Selected support residents is intended to compensate for personal costs associated with the residential stay (ie transport, food, daily expenses) and as a contribution to creative activity.
Host organization within the framework of the mentioned support, he/she will provide the residents with accommodation, facilities for creative activities and will ensure the successful course of the residency.
Other services or persons beyond the scope are at the individual residents' agreement with the host organization and any financial participation of residents.
Outcome from the residence
There has to be an outcome of residence in a form of documentation of the final report and photos, which will be accessible to the public on the ART-IN-RES website, or public presentation of the project in any form of presentation. For example, a verbal presentation or demonstration of results of residential stay to the wider community of the host organization in a work-in-progress format or a public intervention in a space with a voluntary debate with the audience present. In the case of a managers’ residency, it can be, for example, a presentation of the organization, sharing impressions and conclusions from the residency with the wider community of the host organization
Call opening: November 1, 2023
Deadline to apply for residential positions: December 1, 2023
Application deadline: December 15, 2023
Publication of results: approximately until January 20, 2024
Realization of residences: March 1 - November 30, 2024
For any questions, contact Tereza Lacmanová:
Photo by Michael Lozano: The Dreamy Walking project directed by Michał Salwiński at the Offcity residence in Pardubice.
The ART-IN-RES residency program is part of the activities of the Nová sító cultural organization. The program is implemented with the financial participation of the EU through the National Recovery Plan and the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.