MOVEment intensive | spring 2024
FRIDAY 5 . 4 . 2,024
17:30 - 19:00 Jana Ryšlavá: HATHA YOGA
SATURDAY 6 . 4. 2,024
10:30 - 12:00 Jana Ryšlavá: HATHA YO GA
15:00 - 17:00 Paulína Šmatlá ková: MOVEMENT AND CONTEMPORARY DANCE
SUNDAY 7 . 4. 2,024
9 : 3 0 - 11:30 Paulína Š matláková: MOVEMENT AND CONTEMPORARY DANCE
After the lesson, you can go to MOVE BRUNCH with the lecturers. If you feel like it, confirmyour participation here - this is a non-binding place reservation, so we know how many of us will meet :)
This workshop by Slovak performer Paaulína Šmatláková focuses on exploring authentic movement through improvisation and creative tasks, as well as discovering one's own strength and dynamics through a relationship with the floor.
The aim at the beginning of the workshop is to connect with our body and mind as a unity, to explore our uniqueness and authenticity, and to open up to creativity in the movement that feels most natural to us. In the second half of the workshop, we will learn about simple principles of floor contact and inverted positions. We will focus on the dynamics, rhythm, and lightness that can accompany us in the process of exploring our strength and explosiveness. At the end of the workshop, we will dance together using the explored movement qualities.
Practical info: The lessons are designed for everyone to work and develop their body at their own level. It is therefore suitable for those who already have some experience with movement. Suitable clothing includes long pants + preferably a hoodie, with something lighter underneath - to ensure comfort during both warm-up and flow.

Paulína Šmatláková is a Slovak dance performer living in Denmark. She studied Contemporary Dance at the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in London. From 2017 to 2020, she was an active member of the dance troupe Holstebro Dansekomagni in Denmark. Later, she became a choreography assistant and rehearsal director in the ensemble. In Slovakia, Paulína collaborated with the associations TRAKT, Tanečno and Rezerva, with which she participated in the creation of several dance productions (Charon, The Urge Grows, Sen).
Since 2022, she has been working as a performer and assistant with Czech choreographer Jana Burkiewicz (BURKICOM) in Prague and Ostrava. Currently, Paulína is active as a performer, lecturer and creator on the independent scene in Denmark, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
Enter the pad and find time just for yourself, your body and your mind. Lessons of hatha yoga with Jana Ryšlavá are focused on the breath and a slow warm-up and strengthening. In the middle part of the lesson, we will focus on rotations and positions supporting the function of the gallbladder, the correct function of which helps us get rid of unpleasant feelings. Together with the coming spring, it will help us wake up and revitalize the body.
The lesson is suitable for intermediate and beginners, who were already engaged in some kind of movement. For each asana, Jana presents an easier variant and also adds options for more difficult variants.
We recommend bringing your own mat and comfortable clothing that does allow to move freely, a blanket or a sweatshirt for final relaxation.

Jana Ryšlavá is a dance and movement teacher, performer and cultural manager in the field of movement arts.
She graduated Experimental Academy of Dance in Salzburg and the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. After internships in Finland and Norway, she returned to the Czech Republic and began to develop contemporary movement approaches while teaching at the Janáček Conservatory in Ostrava.
Since 2014, he has been curating the movement platform MOVE Ostrava and the MOVE Fest festival, which can now be found in Ostrava, Košice and Valašské Meziříčí.
The workshops will take place in the newly opened studio hb dance at Generála Janka 3, Ostrava-Marianske Hory.
The best way to get there is by trolleybus or bus to the stop Futureum. There are plenty of parking spaces nearby.