6:30 PM
Být nebo nebýt mužem ve 21. století? A co „být mužem“ vlastně znamená?
Ve spolupráci s CENTRUM PANT vás zveme na diskuzi, během které se tvůrci a interpreti představení „WHOMAN“ pokusí odkrýt problematiku tématu mužství, rovnosti a toxické maskulinity v současné společnosti.
Do tohoto křehkého tématu se ponoříme společně se performerem Jiřím Šimkem ze souboru Ufftenživot, který ve své tvorbě rád zdůrazňuje aktuální témata a otevírá prostor pro dialog s divákem. Jeho partnerem v představení i v diskusi bude Peter Šavel - tanečník a performer žijící a tvořící na Slovensku a v Belgii. Během debaty spolu s tvůrci probereme, co mužům dává a bere tradiční role, kterou jim společnost přisuzuje, a jak můžeme společně pracovat na budování spravedlivějšího světa, ve kterém má každý možnost vyjádřit svou vlastní individualitu beze strachu.
Debatou vás provede Anna Bangoura. Vstupenky na pohybové představení na totožné téma "WHOMAN", které proběhne ve čtvrtek 21. března v Komorní scéně Aréna, můžete zakoupit zde.

"We examine the stereotypes, norms, and expectations that we've learned, that we've had imposed on us, that we've created, that we've automated, and we're trying to peel them back. We are looking for how to process this "flaking" on stage. We ask how to communicate so that we don't impose anything on anyone, but at the same time we are able to express what we feel. The world around us is what we make it. We are responsible for him. We are looking for a world on the stage in which all such and such should be seen, what they are like with their emotions as well.”
Jiří Šimek, Peter Šavel and Marta Ljubková
It all started with reading a bookInvisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by author Criado Perez and continued with the book The will to change - men, masculinity and love by Bell Hooks. For two years, the authors of the production dealt with various topics that were topical in society after covid - the organization of the world with regard to the "smaller and weak", contemporary communication and its methods, the idea of the ideal of a man, the world as a place that is created only for some of us, emotional maturity and more.
During the entire process, the future production was constantly evolving, because more and more stimuli were constantly piling up, such as power cases at universities or published cases of abuse.
What remained was the name andthe desire to find the form that will best speak of what is often kept silent because it is considered embarrassing. About the fragility that even men have the right to. However, they make up the minority of the theater audience. So if you're not a man and you've read this far, please think of a man around you who needs a little fragility and bring him to the theater with you!
In the performance, the authors experiment with the boundaries of what and how we can say in the theater, as well as with what theater still is. They do not set genre, formal or expressive boundaries, they understand the theatrical form as a free territory where everything is possible. Even cry with impunity.
Also explore the project website www.whoman.cz,
which is a map and a record of the origin of the entire process.